Macedon Primary x Mt Macedon Primary Collaboration


Oct - Nov 2022


New Start Lyrics 
N: New 
V1: How do I 
W1: breath What happens when 
B1: Don’t know 
All: Oooh (builds) 
S1 & 2: How do I do this? 
All: Dunno dunno dunno 
S1 & 2: How do I do this? 
It’s a new start 
New is kinda scary 
It’s a new path 
Who is coming with me 
If we’ve all got our hangups 
We’ve all got our hopes 
We’ve got a new start, so 
How we gonna cope, a-ha 
S1 & 2:How we gonna cope, how 
we gonna cope? 
All: Dunno dunno dunno 
How we gonna cope, how we 
gonna cope? 
It’s a new start 
New is kinda scary 
It’s a new path 
Who is coming with me 
If we’ve all got our hangups 
We’ve all got our hopes 
We’ve got a new start, so 
How we gonna cope, a-ha 
S1 & 2:How we gonna cope, how 
we gonna cope? 
All: Dunno dunno dunno 
How we gonna cope, how we 
gonna cope? 
We get distracted 
Pretend it isn’t happening 
Turn it on 
You’re on! There are 
Battles to be battling 
I’ll blend in, I’ll be 
One of the team 
So when they pick on others 
They’re not picking on me 
I can’t I can’t I can’t help what my 
Feet want to do 
Step-by-step step-by-step 
They’re walking into the new 
All: It’s a new start 
New is kinda scary 
It’s a new path 
Who is coming with me 
If we’ve all got our hangups 
We’ve all got our hopes 
We’ve got a new start, so 
How we gonna cope, a-ha 
S1 & 2:How we gonna cope, how 
we gonna cope? 
B1: I don’t know 
S1 & 2: How we gonna cope, how 
we gonna cope? 
B1: I don’t… 
B1: I don’t know why I am so 
Alone (BG: Weirdo) 
Alone (BG: So one second ago) 
B1: I don’t see why they chose me 
Alone (BG: Look at her hair) 
Alone (BG: Look what she wears) 
BG 1: I feel powerful 
BG 2: I feel wrong 
BG 3- 5: 
I’m joining in so that I belong 
BG: I’m joining in so that I belong 
I’m joining in so that I belong 
I’m joining in so that I belong 
It’s a new start 
New is kinda scary 
It’s a new path 
Who is coming with me 
If we’ve all got our hangups 
We’ve all got our hopes 
We’ve got a new start, so 
How we gonna cope, a-ha 
S1 & 2: How we gonna cope, how 
we gonna cope? 
VG : Dunno dunno dunno 
S1 & 2: How we gonna cope, how 
we gonna cope? 
T: Children screens will 
Turn your brain to dust (VG: You 
think I’m lazy) 
To dust (VG: You don’t approve) 
Do your work, Sit quietly 
You must (VG: I can’t be still!) 
You must (VG: I need to chill!) 
VG: Don’t you realise when we play 
All our worries go away 
Teacher see this energy 
Give us a chance to set it free! 
All: It’s a new start 
New is kinda scary 
It’s a new path 
Who is coming with me 
If we’ve all got our hangups 
We’ve all got our hopes 
We’ve got a new start, so 
How we gonna cope, a-ha 
S1 & 2: How we gonna cope, how 
we gonna cope? 
B1: I feel powerful 
How we gonna cope, how we gonna 
V1: I feel strong 
BG & VG: 
I’m joining in so that I belong 
I’m joining in so that I belong 
I’m joining in so that I belong 
I’m joining in so that I belong 
W1: STOP! 
All: It’s a new start 
New is kinda scary 
It’s a new path 
If you’re coming with me 
We might all have our hangups 
We all have our hopes 
We’ve got a new start 
And this is how we cope 
S1 & 2: This is how we cope, this 
is how we cope 
All: To-geth-er 
S1 & 2: This is how we cope, this 
is how we cope 
All: To-geth-er